Preparing to Plant

I was sitting at my desk last week and I’d typed the title in the subject box of my Principal’s weekly note…Preparing to Plant.  I didn’t have anything in the text box to communicate the message to my staff, and I was technically waiting for the thoughts to come. In the midst of waiting, our…

Views from the Valley

I’ve been in a good space this past week.  It seems like I can’t catch up on anything, but I know that my colleagues are in the same boat, so it makes me feel a little better knowing that all of us are treading the turbulent waters of an unknown day to day schedule to…

The Drive to Keep Driving

I have to begin by stating the obvious.  We are experiencing school during the time of a pandemic, and in keeping true to my transparency, I have to let you know that as a school principal- I AM NOT ok.  Most principals aren’t, but we’re putting on the Superman and Superwoman capes day by day…

Better from the Bruises

I’ve taken a break from writing in this blog partially because I wasn’t able to filter my thoughts and communicate them correctly.  I wouldn’t say that I was in search of censorship, but I’d say I was more in search of the lesson to glean from reading whatever I put out into the atmosphere.  I…

Taking Time and Reaping Rewards

For 2020, I’ve taken some time to really figure out what I want to come out of this blog.  Do I want to continue moving in the same direction?  Do I want to change anything?  And the only thing I can think of is that I need to be more consistent in writing here.  People…

What Will People Say?

About two weeks ago, my family and I buried my uncle.  I almost didn’t go to the funeral because funerals are one of the three things that I hate in life.  Don’t ask me what the other two things are because they’re irrelevant.  But perhaps it’s the way funerals are structured.  Perhaps it’s the grief,…

Hard Work and Heart Work

This past week took me through a range of emotions.  It pulled on my heart a bit and caused for some serious prayer to get myself on the right track.  I can’t tell educators enough that it’s important to have mentors and people to help get you back where you need to be.  All of…

Not A Coincidence

I know, I know…I said that my next post would focus on the Netflix series, “When They See Us,” but that post has developed into something else which has led to me reading the book, The New Jim Crow, and articles that deal with the school to prison pipeline.  I feel myself not only learning…

Be Great…Be Accountable (Reflections on My First Year As Principal)

God is good all the time…and all the time, God is good.  I’ve had to remember that as I’ve worked through my first year as principal.  Honestly, some days I didn’t know if I’d make it.  The task became overwhelming; people kept calling me on my radio, teachers texted me and asked why I wasn’t…