Hard Work and Heart Work

This past week took me through a range of emotions.  It pulled on my heart a bit and caused for some serious prayer to get myself on the right track.  I can’t tell educators enough that it’s important to have mentors and people to help get you back where you need to be.  All of…

Not A Coincidence

I know, I know…I said that my next post would focus on the Netflix series, “When They See Us,” but that post has developed into something else which has led to me reading the book, The New Jim Crow, and articles that deal with the school to prison pipeline.  I feel myself not only learning…

Be Great…Be Accountable (Reflections on My First Year As Principal)

God is good all the time…and all the time, God is good.  I’ve had to remember that as I’ve worked through my first year as principal.  Honestly, some days I didn’t know if I’d make it.  The task became overwhelming; people kept calling me on my radio, teachers texted me and asked why I wasn’t…

People Remember How You Made Them Feel

Click the link and watch this First: https://youtu.be/TjXKS6ONtLQ I shared this video with the teachers at my school and I also wrote the text that I will copy and paste into this post.  It reads as follows: One of my strengths and weaknesses is I’m just about willing to share every aspect of my life with…

Restore Me

People tell me that my faith and my profession collide because I oftentimes use messages, sermons, or clear signals that I receive to push out to others.   And I try not to be burdensome, which is why I don’t rush to post everything that I come across.  However, while on Spring Break, I was able…

Dear Mr. Simon…

Dear Mr. Simon, I hope you remember me.  My name is Greg Gardner, and you were one of my PE teachers at Matilda Hartley Elementary School.  I’ve been looking for you and I haven’t really had success finding you on the World Wide Web, but I am hopeful that this letter finds you.  I remember…